I've written blogs in the past - 2 actually. both were of my adventures when i lived overseas teaching in Poland for a year. that was 9 years ago. let's pause for a minute while i hyperventilate that it was 9 years ago that i started my career. yipes! anyway, while i was there i kept a blog. mostly for me, but also for my family back home to keep up with my many adventures. i haven't gone back and read it too many times, but i'd love to make it into a book of some sort one day.
anyway - on to today. I had a plan late one night (more realistically early one morning) while i was feeling the little bees. I thought - i need to start writing things down for them, for myself! i take a million pictures, i try my best to write things down, but honesty they're on post-its and they get scattered around the house, often thrown out by a certain husband. i love the idea of having photos and words and milestones and letters to my girls all in one place. and hey, what better place than the internet!
so today i begin. tomorrow they turn 11 months old. i feel like i'm behind already but i'm not going to let it stop me. they've been through so much these last 11 months - oh goodness, so have we - but i know there is so much to come. i want to savour it all.
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